Vacation Temptation

Celebrating Spring Break aboard a Cruise Ship

  Are you a hardworking college student?   If so, are you looking forward to spring break?   Spring break is an extended break that all coll...

City of Romance no Matter How New or Old You Are

Paris and romance, they go together like champagne and oysters, cafĂ© and croissants, jambon and beurre, which is why loved up couples make a pilgrimage to the French capital every year on Valentine's Day. But why exactly is Paris the "city of love" and does it really deserve the title? Aside from the beauty, food and people, historically, France was the centre of ideas, art, poetry and revolutionary politics in the Western world. And the Left Bank “intellectuals quarter” retains a sense of romanticism for couples. You just got to come and experience the City of Romance for yourself! I’d love to help you plan your trip to Paris so be sure to pick up the phone and call me or send me an email.

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