Vacation Temptation

Celebrating Spring Break aboard a Cruise Ship

  Are you a hardworking college student?   If so, are you looking forward to spring break?   Spring break is an extended break that all coll...

The Bridges of Paris

Thirty-seven bridges cross the Seine river within the city boundaries. Some are just for pedestrians or trains, most carry motor-traffic and two bridges carry all three. Bridges have spanned the Seine since well before 100 BCE. Three existing bridges were erected in the 1600s and the newest was opened just ten years ago. The Pont des Arts - is probably considered the most romantic bridge in Paris. Linking the right bank, near the Louvre, and the left bank a few meters away from the Pont Neuf. Lovers used to have a tradition: you had to lock a padlock with your name and your lover’s name on it on the bridge to make your love last forever. Sounds romantic right? I’d love to help you plan your trip to Paris so be sure to pick up the phone and call me or send me an email.

#paris  #visitparis #visitfrance #parislife #pariscity #paristown #vacationplanning #wheninparis #paristravel #bridgesofparis #pontneuf

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