Vacation Temptation

Celebrating Spring Break aboard a Cruise Ship

  Are you a hardworking college student?   If so, are you looking forward to spring break?   Spring break is an extended break that all coll...

The History of French Toast Fun Fact

The origins of french toast are not entirely clear, but long before this sweet snack was called “french toast," similar recipes were being whipped up all around the world. One of the earliest versions of french toast has been traced back to the Roman Empire. The name “french toast" was first used in 17th-century England. The recipe and name were brought to America by early settlers. In France, the dish is called “pain perdu," meaning “lost bread." Why lost bread? Originally, people made French toast from stale bread in order to make use of bread that would otherwise have been thrown away. If you need more information, be sure to pick up the phone and call me or send me an email. I’d love to help you plan your trip to Paris!

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